Just to reflect on yesterday. It was a tough day! At the pilgrims restaurant next to the albergue where we stayed, we had a good pilgrim's meal: steak, egg and chips.
Alex was again with us. He told us that he rests on Saterday, it is a Sabbath for him. I asked if he was Jewish, no! He is a Christian following the Bible. Church? No, reading the Bible and trusting it. We saw him previously on the walk reading his Bible.
I replied that the moment one reads the Bible you also interpret. The problem then is (reading by myself and interpreting by myself) 17000 different Christian denominations. I explained that I live under grace and that the most important thing for me is unity with God. The topic continued and I also discussed meditation with him. We joked about the unholy food that we are eating.
This morning I realised again, difficult topics, where we disagree strongly with one another, can only be handled and discussed when there is a relationship between the participants.
Ok, so back to today. We set off at 07:00. The morning was beautifully fresh. I was contemplating Ps 143:8 "Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee." The scenery was breathtaking. We climbed 200 meters over 2 km's.
At the top of the mountain stood a cross. Here pilgrims place something symbolic that they want to lay down and get rid of; a photo of a loved one who passed away, prayers of petition, money?! Climbing your own mountain and conquering it is not always easy. However, when you get "there" and lay down that which binds you, is a liberating experience.
I suppose that is what a pilgrimage is about, not a walk through the countryside, but a road to enlightenment, and then (always) down the mountain back to your calling.
We arrived relatively fresh at the house we are now staying over at. So far it is just the two of us. We hope to get a good night's rest.
(Postscript: I write the blog from my phone in my second language for a broader audience. Please bear with my spelling and grammer.)